Let's create a stacked area chart to compare how effort change over date across teams.

new Taucharts.Chart({
    type: 'stacked-area',
    x: 'date',
    y: 'effort',
    color: 'team',
    data: [
        {team: 'Alpha', date: '2015-07-15', effort: 400},
        {team: 'Beta',  date: '2015-07-15', effort: 100},
        {team: 'Gamma', date: '2015-07-15', effort: 300},
        {team: 'Alpha', date: '2015-07-16', effort: 200},
        {team: 'Beta',  date: '2015-07-16', effort: 200},
        {team: 'Gamma', date: '2015-07-16', effort: 100},



Defines when to show anchors:

  • hover (default) - anchor will appear when user points a cursor over it.
  • always - anchors will always be visible.
  • never - anchors will not be displayed.
new Taucharts.Chart({
  guide: {
    showAnchors: 'always'


Areas can be represented with polygons, smooth curves or steps:

  • linear - default polyline.
  • smooth - smooth curve, suits for interpolating math data.
  • smooth-keep-extremum - curve which doesn't exceed point values, suites for business data.
  • step, step-before, step-after - connects points using steps.
new Taucharts.Chart({
  guide: {
    interpolate: 'smooth-keep-extremum'


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    No results matching ""